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well you pressed the 'about' page so i'm guessing you want to know more about me and or what the heck Orikeros are. If thats not what your looking for then feel free to go to some other link.


about site

Kay, so basically it's where I leave a bunch of my junk. Orikeros, fanart, and (maybe)fanfics galore!

What are Orikeros, you ask? First things first, Keronians. Keronians are aliens from an Anime called "Keroro Gunso". A lot of fans of the show like to create their very own characters, which includes me. Orikeros are the combonation of the two words 'original' and 'keronians'.

The fanart I usually draw are characters from "keroro Gunso", "Kirby", and "Naruto"(preferablly the Akatsuki). Of course ther will be an extra section for random drawings I make.


About the owner


I'm a pretty obsessive person. The Keronian abouve is supposed to be me.-_-; Thats what I usually say when someone calls me while I'm in the middle of a game.

To tell you the truth, this is a test to see if I can make and keep up with having a website. So far so good! -Goes of to work on other stuffs-